
Witches Cauldron Gathering

Location: Illuminations Cedar Rapids
Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
329 10th Ave SE, Suite 117
Cedar Rapids, Iowa

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Date: Tuesday, February 25 2025

Please join us as we gather around the Witches Cauldron for an evening of community and conversation! This time is being set aside to allow Witches, and witch friendly community members to come together and discuss a topic of the evening.

The gathering generally meets on the last Tuesday of each month.
In January the topic will be the law of attraction-first new moon of the year. In February, the topic will be effective spellcasting.
Suggested donation is $10.
Wild Indigo Coyote is a group of three women – Jennifer Bishop (Solace), Deb Kuehne and Laurie Fox – who work together to bring three different perspectives to readings and classes.
Please register at or call 319-775-0117.