Lowe Park

THRIVE Walk to Cure Brain Cancer

Location: Lowe Park Playground Pavilion (Marion, IA)
Time: 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
4401 Irish Drive
Marion, Iowa

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Join our families for “Brain Cancer Awareness Month”, as we raise money to give back to local research that helps keep our loved ones alive, giving them the opportunity to THRIVE receiving brain tumor treatment in Eastern Iowa. www.thrivebraincancer.com/walk

THRIVE Walk to Cure Brain Cancer is a local fundraiser on Saturday, May 25th at Lowe Park (Marion) benefiting a new clinical trial at the University of Iowa and local patients. The diagnosis of brain cancer can be complex, devastating, and deadly with poor prognoses and low survival rates. Currently, there is no cure and it continues to be underfunded, making minimal advancements in treatments. We need your help saving thousands of lives by raising awareness and funds for brain cancer. Join our families as we raise money to give back to local families in need, and research that helps keep our loved ones alive, giving them the opportunity to THRIVE receiving brain tumor treatment in Eastern Iowa.