Mercy Medical Center

Power of Pink

Location: Mercy's Hall-Perrine Cancer Center
Time: 6:00 PM to 7:50 PM
701 10th Street SE
Cedar Rapids, Iowa

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During October, Mercy Medical Center in Cedar Rapids, IA will light the night pink to promote early breast cancer detection.

Join Mercy and Alliant Energy in the fight against breast cancer. During October, the hospital will light the night pink – beginning with our Power of Pink event – to promote early detection.

Mercy Medical Center and Alliant Energy are joining forces to light the night pink on Thursday, October 4.  The Power of Pink event will mark the arrival of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month — October — with a lighting ceremony, fireworks, live music and giveaways.

  • Giveaways, refreshments and activities begin at 6 p.m.
  • Live music by Alisabeth Von Presley from 7 to 7:30 p.m.
  • A brief program at 7:30 p.m. precedes the lighting and fireworks.

Thanks to Alliant Energy, you can light the night pink, too!
Switch out your porch light with a FREE pink light bulb* and remind the women on your street to get screened for breast cancer. This simple act could save a life. That’s the Power of Pink!

The Hall-Perrine Cancer Center, as well as Mercy’s main hospital entrances and other designated areas on the Mercy campus, will be illuminated in pink and remain lit throughout the month of October.  For the first time this year, Alliant Energy will use LED technology to light in pink their building in downtown Cedar Rapids for the month of October.

A $2 donation will be given to the Especially for You® Race Against Breast Cancer for everyone who attends to help provide breast-care services locally to those who can’t afford them.

*Pink energy-saving light bulbs available while supplies last.