Cedar Rapids Public Library

Jigsaw Puzzle Speed Competition

Location: Cedar Rapids Public Library
Time: 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
450 Fifth Ave. SE
Cedar Rapids, Iowa

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Individuals and teams will compete in an all-ages jigsaw puzzle speed race. Registration required.

Registration link will be shared and open on Friday, July 26 at 10 am. 
Individuals and teams will compete in an all-ages speed race to finish their jigsaw puzzle the fastest. Sign-in for the event will be from 1-1:25 pm. The competition will begin promptly at 1:30 pm, and teams/individuals will have two hours to complete their puzzle or get as close to completion as they can. 
Only one person from each team needs to register for their team.
Teams must be comprised to 2-4 people.
All teams are welcome, however, we recommend at least one team member be 12-years or older.
Communications prior to the event will be done via email – please use an email address you check regularly to register for this competition.  
Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in Team and Individual Competitions.

AGE GROUP: | Teen | School Age | Everyone | Adult |
EVENT TYPE: | Games and Activities | Family Programs |