Cedar Rapids Area Genealogy Library

Finding My Boat

Location: Cedar Rapids Area Genealogy Library
Time: 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
lower level of the Masonic Building at 813 1st Ave. S.E.
Iowa, Iowa

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Date: Saturday, January 28 2023

Lorna Lincoln will present: Finding My Boat, discovering the passage of immigrant ancestors to America.

The monthly meeting of the Cedar Rapids Area Genealogy Library will be Saturday, January 28th at our location in the lower level of the Masonic Building at 813 1st Ave. S.E. in Cedar Rapids. Refreshments will be served at 12:45! The meeting will begin at 1:00 pm. Our speaker will be Lorna Lincoln who will present: Finding My Boat, discovering the passage of immigrant ancestors to America. This meeting is free and open to all. Parking is available in the rear and accessible through the alley. Please enter through the back door. Call ahead if you require handicap access.