Cedar Rapids Area Genealogy Library
The Cedar Rapids Area Genealogy Libabry houses a vast amount of resources from all Iowa counties and most states to help you research your family history.
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Location: Cedar Rapids Area Genealogy Library
Time: 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
813 1st Avenue SE
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Date: Saturday, June 10 2023
Cedar Rapids Area Genealogy Library Book and Bake Sale from 10-3
The Genealogical Society of Linn County will hold a Book and Bake Sale on Saturday, June 10th from 10 - 3 PM in the rear parking lot of the Masonic Building at 813 1st Avenue SE in Cedar Rapids. Books of all kinds, baked goods, and other items will be for sale. The genealogy library will be open for tours and research until 4 PM.