African American Museum of Iowa
The African American Museum of Iowa is located in the New Bohemia Cultural District of Cedar Rapids, IA. It houses two exhibits, a beautiful rental hall, and the Nikee Museum Gift Shop.
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Location: Cedar Rapids Public Library
Time: 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
450 5th Ave SE
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
This event has already finished but is here for for your information
Join AAMI at the Cedar Rapids Public Library for a free screening of “The Souls of Black Girls.”
This award-winning documentary, “raises the question of whether or not women of color may be suffering from a self-image disorder as a result of trying to attain the standards of beauty that are celebrated in media images.” Following the movie, community advocate, Betty Daniels, will facilitate a discussion. Doors open at 5:15 PM. Masks are required.